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Pentonville 4:39 Thu Jan 19
Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
More interested in this, the nearer it gets.
Just got in amd caught the end of the press conference.
Watch the woke brigade try to hijack the story on this fight due to Smiths outbursts to Eubank haha. Calling him Gay was quite a moment.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Pentonville 1:10 Thu Jan 26
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
Ah, Ali, where it all began for me and CS ;-)

Crassus 12:50 Thu Jan 26
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
For boxing fans, an interesting article about the story behind the boxer who not only dropped Ali but was the real life inspiration behind Rocky - I was unaware of him but a good read


mallard 12:37 Thu Jan 26
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
That’s horrific!
I love Boxing but it always turns my stomach seeing fighters getting smashed in the head whilst stunned and putting up no defence.

I think it stems from my younger days, watching Bruno drop his guard and getting pummelled in a daze.

Probably why I’m not keen on watching UFC/MMA

Lee Trundle 11:57 Thu Jan 26
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
You've just fallen down my rabbit hole, mallard.

Next up, X-Arm Fighting. 2 people with one hand tied to each other, beat the shit out of each other.

mallard 11:54 Thu Jan 26
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
I’ve just Googled ‘Phone Booth Fighting’


Lee Trundle 11:40 Thu Jan 26
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
Not as crazy as Phone Booth Fighting, Scum.

2 people in a phone box, beating the shit out of each other. What's not to like?

Council Scum 11:39 Thu Jan 26
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
Crazy stuff Trunds. Fair play to them

Lee Trundle 11:36 Thu Jan 26
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
It's all about the Power Slap League now.

(what a bizarre sport!)

Council Scum 11:33 Thu Jan 26
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
"but the quality boxers had done enough already"

So you think BJS tactic was to win six rounds and the coast? Blimey, especially as one judge gave it to Eubank, so one didn't think he was "found wanting" but yeah, well done for trying.

marty feldman 8:57 Wed Jan 25
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
Eubanks junior certainly doesn't have his old man's chin . I'm maybe showing my age but the modern day fighters are nowhere near as tough as the older ones wilder for starters is a phenomenal puncher but has absolutely no boxing technique whatsoever in a better era he would never be as celebrated as he is now.

Pentonville 4:13 Wed Jan 25
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
Anyway, I'll read your reply out of respect but won't reply to it as we never agree and I can't be arsed to go around in circles.

Pentonville 4:13 Wed Jan 25
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
It means they were at the end of their career. He is constantly found wanting at top level. Having a tank and a chin gets you so far but ability is required too. Weight draining has obvs taken away his tank and chin so nothing left. Those 2 qualities got him big fights at top level. He made them closer than they should be due to his relentless energy but the quality boxers had done enough already. Hence the phrase found wanting at top level.
If Smith and he don't rematch which is possible as Eubank may retire, then Smith could fight GGG. Watch him get ragdolled then come back on here and argue that Eubank ls top level. Why do you think Benn was so desperate to fight him. Why has he never won a legit world title. Found Wanting at Top Level.

Council Scum 3:45 Wed Jan 25
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
Finishing someone's career, doesn't mean they were finished when you fought them.

Oh so you are now saying they are "close fights" so was he found wanting (lacking all that is needed) or not? One judge gave it to him and BJS never gave him a rematch. But yeah, he's found wanting.

Pentonville 2:53 Wed Jan 25
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
How did Degale and Abraham fair after they fought him?
How many "close fights" do you think it takes to show you are found wanting at top level.
Not even once has he beaten someone at the top of their game. Not once.

Council Scum 2:28 Wed Jan 25
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
He lost a split decision for BJS and was unlucky not to win. That's not found wanting.

Against Groves, Groves damaged his shoulder in the last round and hung on for dear life, it was a war, he lost on points. But it was a close fight. Neither was he found wanting.

Degale was 33 when he fought Eubank, he had won the world title the previous year and his previous fight, if you are suggesting that at 33 he was washed up, so it doesn't count, then nor does Liam Smiths win on Saturday.

Abrahams had lost once in 12 fights over 5 years previous to fighting Eubank.

Pentonville 12:13 Wed Jan 25
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
Its absolutely a fair comment to say that when Eubank has stepped up he has been found wanting. Scum mentions BJS fight in which Eubank took 4 or 5 rounds to register where he was. Didn't Groves fight him with one arm at one point? To use Abraham and Degale who were both washed up by the time Eubank fought them as times he wasn't found wanting is silly.

jimmy iron 10:56 Tue Jan 24
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
A phew reports cropping up it was an elbow that did the most damage

Crassus 8:50 Mon Jan 23
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith

Snap mate, posts crossed

Crassus 8:49 Mon Jan 23
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
My opinion, for what it's worth, which is fuck all - maybe the fire has burnt out?
Not good enough to make world class, potential champion and knows it, dipped a title shot
A very good if not elite career, made his dough and placed his mark

I reckon somewhere along the line they will manufacture the Conner Benn fight as his retirement fund topper upper.
A shit show of a fight logically, but would sell plenty of views and pay well

Lee Trundle 8:43 Mon Jan 23
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
He'll be alright in the immediate future.

There's the 'grudge' match with Conor Benn he's still in his pocket.

stewie griffin 8:30 Mon Jan 23
Re: Chris Eubank Jnr vs Liam Smith
agreed, Oldie - the notion that he's chinny is somewhat absurd given that he's been in with big hitting super middleweights and taken their best shots, and just got sparked out by a light middleweight.

Not sure where he really goes from here - as you say, at 33, middleweight looks a struggle, but in the fight against Groves he looked too small for a top class super middleweight.

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